Sehr stolz, ein Mitglied dieser Umweltkraft von Bayern zu sein!

Laura Jantz, International Manager; Simone Horvatin and Alfred Mayr, International Director.
UmweltCluster Bayern is the most representative environmental association of the State of Bavaria, in Germany, with more than 10 years of experience. UmweltCluster Bayern has more than 200 members and a wide network of expertise, environmental goods and services to international markets.
Our goals are to assist and help Latin american companies, industries and governments, representing their interests towards Bavarian companies of environmental technologies. We are established in Munich, in the heart of Europe.
¡Muy orgullosa de ser miembro de este poder ambiental de Baviera!
Umweltcluster Bayern fosters international collaboration in the fields of:
- Waste management & Recycling
- Water & Wastewater treatment
- Site remediation
- Air pollution control
- Energy from waste & biomass
- Resource efficiency

As one of the newest associated companies,SUPPLYgoGREEN technologies for a green world works determined to bring down barriers and diffuse Bavarian and German environmental technologies and solutions to Brazil and Latin America, besides advising companies, industries and governments of Latin America who search for these technologies and solutions here.
Visit UmweltCluster Bayern site:
Discover our environmental platforms, which are linking the continents: and