IFAT Munich: knowledge hub for a sustainable world
- Supporting program will show trends and innovations in the environmental industry
- Key topics: circular economy and the future of water
- Live demonstrations, solution tours, themed worlds, start-ups
The IFAT Munich supporting program will feature a wealth of knowledge on trends and innovations in the environmental industry, including the circular economy and resource efficiency, the sustainable use and reuse of water, climate-resilient cities and environmentally friendly drive systems in municipal fleets. More than 300 speakers and a variety of formats will offer an abundance of information and inspiration.
The world's leading trade fair for environmental technologies will open its doors in Munich from May 30 to June 3.
Opening by Federal Environment Minister Steffi Lemke
Federal Environment Minister Steffi Lemke and Bavarian Environment Minister Thorsten Glauber will open IFAT Munich on May 30 at 11:00 in the Forum Water / Sewage (Hall C3). Afterwards, there will be a high-level panel discussion on “How to create change? From environmental activism to environmental solutions and politics.” The participants are founder Mikela Druckman (expert on AI in recycling as well as part of the WEF Global Future Council,) Ren Xiaoyuan (founder of a data platform for clean water and UN Young Champion of the Earth for 2020), Sucheta Govil (Chief Commercial Officer of Covestro), Pr. Dr. Erich Zahn (co-author of the Club of Rome report "The Limits to Growth") and Dr. Johannes Kirchhoff (board member of the Circular Economy Initiative of the Federation of German Industries).
Many stages for presentations and discussions
The “Forum Waste / Secondary Raw Materials” (Hall A5) will highlight all facets of waste and raw materials management, from sustainable product design to chemical recycling and the handling of lithium-ion batteries. Topics at the “Forum Water / Sewage” (Hall C3) will include the water-conscious city, coronavirus monitoring in wastewater, clean drinking water and industrial water cycles. And at the “Innovation Stage” (Hall B4), in conference rooms above the exhibition halls and in the Conference Center North, exhibitors, associations and partner institutions will present innovations and discuss topics such as data analytics in waste management, removal of microplastics from water and recycling of building materials.
Special areas on circular economy
Four special areas will be devoted to the potential of the circular economy: the “Process World Plastics Recycling” (Hall B5) will demonstrate the stages of plastics recycling using a shampoo bottle as an example. Best-practice examples of plastics treatment will be presented at “Best practice circular economy—the material flow of plastics” (Hall A6). The themed world “Circular Economy of Minerals and Sustainability in Construction” (Hall B4) will look at how pollutants can be disposed of in building construction and civil engineering and how recyclable building materials can be secured and reused. And ”Hydrogen in and from the Circular Economy” (outdoor area) will document how hydrogen is produced from wastewater without emissions and where it can be used.
Solution tours to celebrate their debut
IFAT Munich will be offering guided solution tours on specific topics for the first time. Taking 60 to 90 minutes, each tour will start with a keynote speech and visit up to five booths. There are 16 topics to choose from, including heavy rain and flood prevention, digitalization in waste management and the water-conscious city. The number of participants is limited to 25. It is best to register prior to the trade fair on the IFAT Munich website.
Live demonstrations: man and machine in action

Live demonstrations: man and machine in actionLive demonstrations: man and machine in action
In the outdoor area, both man and machine will be demonstrating their full potential in seven live demonstrations: at the “Car Recycling” event, end-of-life cars—including e-cars—will be dismantled into their individual parts; the “Crushing Zone” will demonstrate how building materials recycling works—loudly and with large equipment; the “Demonstration Days Biomass” will process logs, waste wood and green waste into valuable raw materials; “The Truck in Action Show” will demonstrate new municipal vehicles and technology; in the “Water Skills—Professional Competitions”, skills in sewers and sewage treatment plants will be demonstrated; in the “Pipe Fitting Challenge”, several teams will compete in the construction of complex pipe systems; and the “Sustainable Road and Sewer Construction Live” will be dedicated to construction logistics, digital processes and low-emission machinery.
Start-up area
Nearly 50 emerging companies from 16 nations will be presenting themselves in the “Start-up Area” (Hall B4). Their products and solutions will also cover key topics at IFAT Munich: water and wastewater treatment, waste and secondary raw materials as well as air pollution control and soil protection. Products and solutions shown will include sustainable asphalt additives made from recycled plastics, separators for microplastics from wastewater streams, a nanotechnological water treatment process and a biotechnological method for binding dusts.
IFAT Munich Press